
Day 3: "Trim the Fat"

Weekly Total: 2885

8 a.m. weigh in : 176.5

8:10a.m. Cup of coffee (105)

8:30 a.m.---2 eggs (egg beaters) - (60)
2 pieces of light white toast (70)
Another cup of coffee :( (105)

Daily total: 390

11-12:00-- P90X -Shoulders and Arms (The easiest of all imo).

1:30----Turkey and swiss with lettuce/onion/light mayo on light white bread (240 calories is rough estimate from calorie king...bread is 35 per slice, turkey is like 45, cheese is 106 ish)
----celery and light ranch (145)

Daily Total: 775

F me! Total breakdown. Had a chocolate chunk cookie from caribou coffee (440) and a cup of coffee (105)

Daily total: 1320

Im about done eating for the day besides a rice bowl for dinner and its only 3:20 in the afternoon. SHAT!

Dinner: Salad (Turkey, cheese, little bread crumbs, etc) ---(250)

Late night snack: Popcorn (130)
Bowl of cheerios (165)

Daily total: 1865

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