
Never Forgetting

It's the day we will never forget. I was student teaching freshman history at Western Reserve High School on 9/11. We quickly got word of what was happening and I put the TV on for all the students to watch. The first plane had all ready hit, however my students and I witnessed the second plane hit on TV. At the time many of my students, as well as myself, were very confused to what was happening. My cooperating teacher came into the classroom to watch what was unfolding, and he instantly said, "my God this has to be terrorism". I will never forget those words he spoke and/or this time in my life. To this day when I look at photographs and pictures of what happened on 9/11 it brings a tear to my eye. The way our country united and came together really makes me put all the negatives behind and makes me proud to be an American. God Bless those who lost lives.

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