
Staying in Shape (Or at least maintaining)

Where has the time gone since my last post. Sheesh. I try and keep up at least once a week, but damn time is just cruising by.
Anyhow, last week I started back at the gym for the first time since Rylee was born (approx. 5 weeks). I went Monday-Thursday and did both weights and cardio through out the 4 days. My sister-in-law came into town on Thursday and I didn't make it to the gym Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. So the easiest way out is to blame her. I also ate like a complete pig over the weekend and it showed this morning when I weighed myself at the gym. I usually tip the scale at any where between 170-172....this morning 178! Fack! Here is the thing about staying in shape. Once you let yourself go, it is that much harder to get back to where things were. Kind of like not cutting your grass for a month, or letting your puppy pee and poo in the house for a month, not keeping up makes it that much harder. Very similar to staying in shape. With that being said, I am really gonna try and shed off these 8 unwanted lbs in the next few weeks. Eating healthy and consistency at the gym is key. I'll keep ya posted on that issue.



Leandra turned 30 today to. BAHAHHAAH. Bye bye 20's! Be sure to send her a text about getting old! I told her the important thing is to act like you are still 18, it works for me!


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